For Sale By Owner (FSBO)
What is FSBO?
When an owner decides to sell (list) their home without the representation of a real estate broker or agent, that process is known as For Sale By Owner (FSBO)
Selling a home is one of the biggest choices most people will make in their lifetime. You may feel anxious and have some concerns but don’t worry, you can do it and we’re here to help.
When an owner decides to sell (list) their home without the representation of a real estate broker or agent, that process is known as For Sale By Owner (FSBO). An owner has a number of options for how to handle an FSBO, which includes anything from doing it all alone to getting partial assistance via online companies that offer various resources and tools, agents that offer al la carte or flat rate services, or other companies that offer assistance, such as a title company like us.
American Family Title offers an FSBO packet that is full of helpful information, documents and resources to aid in the sale/purchase of a For Sale by Owner home. We will work directly with buyers and sellers, helping to walk you through the process and we are with you every step of the way. The FSBO packet is free, but we also offer additional services and products that help with the FSBO process. All of this information is included in the packet; simply fill out the form below to get your Free FSBO Packet today.
If you have any questions please contact our office at 216-522-9800 and a representative would be happy to assist you.
If you would like our Free FSBO Packet, please complete and submit the form below.
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Disclaimer: American Family Title Agency does not represent or is licensed as or by a Financial Lender, Attorney or Real Estate Brokerage; nor does American Family Title Agency, Inc. have any Affiliated Business Arrangements with any such firms.